Many projects have recently started to work with the emerging technology of wind power. It has been long since we have been using Wind turbines in generating high power electricity. The Wind Energy Technology offices have started working with industries to enhance the reliability and performance of wind turbines, lowering the production cost and using the next generation wind technology. The sources have updated about the factor; the power plant productivity has increased from the standards of twenty-two percent on average to thirty-five percent currently. The cost of electricity has been reduced from fifty-five cents per kilowatt to the minimal possible cost of just three cents per kilowatt. Though there has been a significant evolution in technology, there is no stop from progression.


There are a few project highlights from the next generation wind power technology: –

Prototype Development:

The wind turbines from today’s generation have upgraded to advanced technology. They no more generate the power in kilowatts but are a multi-megawatt power generator. They have become more reliable and most importantly, more cost-effective. With higher turbine installation, the average capacity of turbines has increased massively, increasing the stakes till 2.4 MW of capacity. This upgradation was possible because of the WETO developed, taller towers, lighter rotor blades, longer blades, performance optimizing system, and reliable drivetrains. Many programs were launched to test the performance of individual tools like blades, engines, generators, control systems, etc.

Utility Scale research Turbines:

The company and industries generating power using wind turbines, got the research and development support from National Renewable Energy’s Lab and NWTC which helped accelerating the energy production in the multiple factors, by polishing the modeling methods, systems, and turbine components. These massive industries support the generation and try to step forward by keeping the process healthy by conducting regular tests for the sites, onsite manufacturing resources, validations, and capabilities. They are working on computation fluid dynamics, capable of enrooting simulators for the wind farm application. These help in investigating the performance of a turbine in the most effective and dynamic atmospheric conditions. When the minimal turbine wake effect is coordinated by turbine control, the output or the productivity increases by four to five percent.


International Collaboration:

The members of the International Energy Agency always stand up in support of wind energy research programme. This is conducted by participating in the hunt around twelve areas to research for the benefit of the wind energy research department. The standards are being maintained and upgraded by increasing the size of the turbines and searching for the best onshore and offshore site for more turbine installation all around the world.